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Showing posts from September, 2020

Kim Seonho Infects K-Drama Fans with the Second Lead Syndrome (SLS)

Actor Kim Seon-Ho Hits K-Drama Fans with the SLS K-Drama "Start-Up" has been a huge hit across South Korea and across the globe. Two top Hallyu stars are starring in this drama - none other than Suzy and Nam Joo Hyuk. Kim Seonho is also one of the lead actors and he's actually been getting even more attention than the first lead, Nam Joo Hyuk. He's become induced the symptoms of the deadly "second lead syndrome" to many K-Drama fans. Kim Seon Ho infects K-Drama Fans with deadly 'second lead syndrome' Second Lead Syndrome or SLS is when you root for the second male lead in a drama and wish the female lead would choose him although you know that it wouldn't happen. An example that you guys may be familiar with would be Kim Hyun Joong in the K-Drama, Boys Over Flowers that aired in 2009. In this drama, Kim Hyun Joong ached the hearts of many K-Drama fans, as his character was so so sweet and gentle compared to the arrogant and self-centered role of ...

Let's Learn Korean with Black Pink Rose!

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Learn Korean with BlackPink Jisoo! [손을 뻗다]

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Learning Korean for Beginners - Learn Korean with BlackPink!

Learn Korean with Korean Tutor Learn Korean with BlackPink

Let's Learn Korean with K-Drama, Gangnam Beauty! - I'm going to ignore you!

Let's Learn Korean with K-Drama, Gangnam Beauty! - I'm going to ignore you! Let's learn Korean with Korean Tutor  [Today's Korean Learning contents] 👩🏻‍🏫 나 너 이제부터 모르는 척 쌩깔거야. - I’m going to ignore you from now on. 💡 의미 Meaning: ‣ 쌩깔거야 – pretending not to know, ignore, end relationship 💁🏻‍♀‍ 설명 Explanation: ‣ 쌩깔거야 is a colloquial expression used to say that you’re ignoring someone/something ‣ Remember, this is an informal, colloquial expression so you wouldn’t use it in a formal setting! ‣ Let’s take a look at the sentences below for more context! ✍🏻 문장 Sentence: ‣ 친구랑 싸워서 쌩깠어요. I’ve burned my bridges with a friend because we fought. [Now let’s learn Korean through video] Download the Korean Tutor App via: - Android  : - IOS  : Visit our YouTube Channel! - Link:

Let's Learn Korean with K-Drama, Gangnam Beauty! - I knew it (역시)

Let's Learn Korean with K-Drama, Gangnam Beauty! - I knew it (역시)  Learn Korean with Korean Tutor [Today's Korean Learning contents] 👩🏻‍🏫 역시 내가 알던 도경석이었어. - I knew it, that’s the Kyung-seok I know. 💡 의미 Meaning: ‣ 역시 – as expected, just as…, knew it 💁🏻‍♀‍ 설명 Explanation: ‣ 역시 can also be used as an expression of “I knew it!” ‣ Let’s take a look at the sentences below for more context! ✍🏻 문장 Sentence: ‣ 역시 내가 예상했던 대로야. – I knew it, just as I expected. ‣ 역시 소문대로 양이 많네요. - It’s a huge portion, just as I heard. [Now let’s learn Korean through video] Download the Korean Tutor App via: - Android  : - IOS  : Visit our YouTube Channel! - Link:

Let's Learn Korean with K-Drama, Gangnam Beauty!

Learn Korean with Korean Tutor Let's Learn Korean with K-Drama, Gangnam Beauty! [Today's Korean Learning contents] 👩🏻‍🏫 그냥 걸어갈 뿐인데 화보같네. - He’s just walking, but it looks like he’s from a magazine.  💡 의미 Meaning:  ‣ 뿐인데 –only, just~ (expressing emphasis)  ✔️ Grammar rule:  ‣ Present: A/V -(으)ㄹ 뿐이다  ‣ Past: A/V-았/었을 뿐이다  ‣ Noun + -일 뿐이다  💁🏻‍♀‍ 설명 Explanation:  ‣ 뿐인데 is used to indicate only one available course of action or state  ‣ 뿐인데 has the same meaning as 오직 (solely, merely, only)  ‣ Let’s take a look at the sentences below for more context!  ✍🏻 문장 Sentence:  ‣ 딱 한번 실수했을 뿐인데 용서해 주세요. It’s only one mistake, please forgive me. [Now let’s learn Korean through video] Download the Korean Tutor App via: - Android  : - IOS  : Visit our YouTube Channel! - Link:  https://ww...

Let's learn Korean with K-Drama, Gangnam Beauty! - Taking someone's side

  Learn Korean with Korean Drama! [Today's Korean Learning contents] 👩🏻‍🏫 내 앞에서 도경석 편들었어? - Did you just take Kyung-seok’s side in front of me? 💡 의미 Meaning: ‣ 편 들다 – take the side of 💁🏻‍♀‍ 설명 Explanation: ‣ 편 들다 is an expression of taking someone (something)’s side.  ‣ 편 means “side” and 들다 is the verb, “to take.” ‣ Let’s take a look at the sentences below for more context! ✍🏻 문장 Sentence: ‣ 어떤 팀을 응원해요? 두산 편이에요 삼성 편이에요? – Which team are you rooting for - Doosan or Samsung? ‣ 저는 누구의 편도 들지 않을래요. - I’m not going to take any sides. [Now let’s learn Korean through video] Download the Korean Tutor App via: - Android  : - IOS  : Visit our YouTube Channel! - Link:

Let's learn Korean with Heart Signal 2

Let's learn Korean with Heart Signal 2!  [Today's Korean Learning contents] 👩🏻‍🏫 다은 씨 없었으면 큰일 날 뻔했어요. - I don’t know what I would’ve done without you. 💡 의미 Meaning: ‣ 큰일 날 뻔 – that was a close call; we were so close. ✔️ Grammar rule:  ‣ ~ㄹ/을 뻔했다 – almost ‣ This is used for situations where the action/event did not occur, but it almost happened. 💁🏻‍♀‍ 설명 Explanation: ‣ Although “큰일 날 뻔” is usually used in the context that has to do with safety and emergency, it can be used as a colloquial speech of relief. ‣ This is used to tell someone that you were thankful for their presence. ‣ Let’s take a look at the sentences below for more context! ✍🏻 문장 Sentence: ‣ 파티에 아는 사람 한명도 없었으면 큰일 날 뻔했어요. – It would’ve been absolutely sad had I not known anyone at the party.  ‣ 계단에서 넘어질 뻔했어요. - I almost fell down the stairs. [Now let’s learn Korean through video] Download the Korean Tutor App via: - Android  :

Let's learn Korean with the Korean TV Show, Heart Signal

Let's learn Korean with the Korean TV Show, Heart Signal [Today's Korean Learning contents] 👩🏻‍🏫 피자에 치즈를 왕창 넣을까요? - Should we put in a lot of cheese? 💡 의미 Meaning: ‣ 왕창 – a massive amount, a whole lot of 💁🏻‍♀‍ 설명 Explanation: ‣ 왕창 is a colloquial word used to express a whole lot of something. ‣ It is usually used to express an amount of something physical (not abstract like emotions) ‣ Let’s take a look at the sentences below for more context! ✍🏻 문장 Sentence: ‣ 시험에 모르는 단어가 왕창 나왔어요. – There were a bunch of words that I didn’t know on the exam. ‣ 후추 좀 왕창 뿌려주세요. - Please put a LOT of pepper in. [Now let’s learn Korean through video] Download the Korean Tutor App via: - Android  : - IOS  : Visit our YouTube Channel! - Link:

Let's learn Korean with K-Web Drama - It could be you

Let's learn Korean with K-Web Drama - Eighteen [에이틴] [Today's Korean Learning contents] Let's learn Korean with K-Web Drama 그게 너일 수도 있잖아. - It could be you. 💡 의미 Meaning & ✔️ Grammar rule: ‣ A/V + 을 수도 있다 combines 수 있다 (to be possible) with 도 (also, too) ‣ 수 있다 - could be, might be 💁🏻‍♀‍ 설명 Explanation: ‣ Essentially, the “A/V + 을 수도 있다” structure is “I might V” or “It could be A” ‣ Let’s take a look at the sentences below for more context! ✍🏻 문장 Sentence: ‣ 내일 비가 올 수도 있어요. – It might rain tomorrow. ‣ 맞을 수도 있어요. - It could be right. ‣ 친구가 아직 화가 나 있을 수도 있어요. - My friend could still be angry. [Now let’s learn Korean through video]   Download the Korean Tutor App via: - Android  : - IOS  : Visit our YouTube Channel! - Link:

Let's learn Korean with K-Drama! - Korean Grammar

Let's learn Korean with K-Drama! - Eighteen [에이틴] [Today's Korean Learning contents] Let's learn Korean with K-Drama! 폰이 고장나서 못 봤어요. - I couldn’t see it because my phone wasn’t working. 💡 의미 Meaning: ‣ 고장나다 – to break, having a defect, not working ✔️ Grammar rule: ‣ Because/Therefore: V/A + ~아/어서 ‣ ~아/어서 is added to the stem of a verb or adjective to connect it to the upcoming clause. ‣ Let’s take a look at the sentences below for an example! ✍🏻 문장 Sentence: ‣ 배고프(+아/어서) 밥을 먹었어요. – I ate because I was hungry. / I am hungry, therefore I want to eat. ‣ 심심해서 밖에 나가고 싶어요. - I want to go out because I’m bored. [Now let’s learn Korean through video]   Download the Korean Tutor App via: - Android  : - IOS  : Visit our YouTube Channel! - Link:

Learn Korean with BlackPink - It is an honor...

  Let's learn Korean with BlackPink Rose [Today's Korean Learning contents] It's such an honor 영광이에요 셀레나 고메즈와 함께 하게 되어서 영광입니다! 💡 의미 Meaning: ‣ 영광 + 입니다/이에요 = It is an honor / my great pleasure. ‣ 영광 = honor, glory. 💁🏻‍♀‍ 설명 Explanation: ‣ 영광입니다 is used to express that you are very thankful and honorable about something. ‣ Let’s take a look at the sentences below for more context! ✍🏻 문장 Sentence: ‣ 실제로 뵙다니 정말 영광이네요. – It is such an honor to meet you in real life. [Now let’s learn Korean through video] Download the Korean Tutor App via: - Android  : - IOS  : Visit our YouTube Channel! - Link:

Let’s learn Korean with Black Pink Rose! - I think of...

Let's learn Korean with Black Pink! [Today's Korean Learning contents] 👩🏻‍🏫 이걸 보면 루이의 얼굴이 떠올라요. - I think of Louis’s face when I see this. 💡 의미 Meaning: ‣ 떠올라요 – to remember, recall, remind, think of ‣ 이걸 보면 – when I see this 💁🏻‍♀‍ 설명 Explanation: ‣ 떠오르다 is a verb that means to think back to or remember something from the past.  ‣ Let’s take a look at the sentences below for more context! ✍🏻 문장 Sentence: ‣ 고향에 가니 옛날 기억이 떠올랐어요. – When I revisited my hometown, I recalled memories of my past [Now let’s learn Korean through video] Download the Korean Tutor App via: - Android  : - IOS  : Visit our YouTube Channel! - Link:

Learn Korean with BlackPink - Should I buy?

Let's learn Korean with BlackPink Lisa [Today's Korean Learning contents] Should I/~(으)ㄹ까 - 이거 루이한테 선물로 사줄까? 👩🏻‍🏫 이거 동생 선물로 사줄까? - Should I buy this for my younger sibling? 💡 의미 Meaning: ‣ 사줄까? – Should I buy? ✔️ Grammar rule:  ‣ Verb + (으)ㄹ까? = asking for someone’s opinion or to suggest. 💁🏻‍♀‍ 설명 Explanation: ‣ The form “~(으)ㄹ까요" is usually used to ask someone else of their opinion, but it can also be used to simply suggest one’s opinion. ‣ Let’s take a look at the sentences below for more context! ✍🏻 문장 Sentence: ‣ 이거 만들까? Should I make this? ‣ 문 닫을까? Should I close the door? [Now let’s learn Korean through video]  Download the Korean Tutor App via: - Android  : - IOS  : Visit our YouTube Channel! - Link:

Learn Korean with BlackPink - Which one is (more)

Let's learn Korean with BlackPink JENNIE [Today's Korean Learning contents] Which one is more/뭐가 더 - 뭐가 더 만들기 간단해요? 👩🏻‍🏫 김밥과 머핀중에 뭐가 더 만들기 간단해요? Which one is easier to make, Gimbap or muffin? 💡 의미 Meaning: ‣ 뭐가 더 – which one is (more) ‣ 간단해요– simple ✔️ Grammar rule:  ‣ A 와/과 B 중에 = (Between) A and B / A or B ‣ If noun (object) ends with a consonant, add 과 (김밥과) ‣ If noun (object) ends with a vowel, add 와 (피자와) ‣ Let’s take a look at the sentences below for more examples! ✍🏻 문장 Sentence: ‣ 수학과 영어중에 뭐가 더 쉬워요? – Which subject is easier, math or English? [Now let’s learn Korean through video] Download the Korean Tutor App via: - Android  : - IOS  : Visit our YouTube Channel! - Link:

Learn Korean with BlackPink - What are you looking at?

Let's learn Korean with BlackPink Lisa [Today's Korean Learning contents] What/뭐 - 뭐 보고 있어요? 👩🏻‍🏫 뭐 보고 있어요? - What are you looking at? 💡 의미 Meaning: ‣ 뭐 – (pronoun) what ‣ 보고 있어요 = 보다 (watch/see/look at) + 있어요 (ing) ✔️ Grammar rule:  ‣ From the base verb 보다, take out 다 and add 고 있다 (currently doing) ‣ 보(다) + 고 있다 (보 + 고) 💁🏻‍♀‍ 설명 Explanation: ‣ 뭐 can be used to represent an unknown thing in a sentence. ‣ Let’s take a look at the sentences below for examples! ✍🏻 문장 Sentence: ‣ 뭐 먹었어요? - What did you eat? ‣ 뭐 샀어요? - What did you buy? [Now let’s learn Korean through video]  Download the Korean Tutor App via: - Android  : - IOS  : Visit our YouTube Channel! - Link:

Learn Korean with K-Web Drama - Can I see your ID?

Learn Korean with Korean Web Drama! [Today's Korean Learning contents] 👩🏻‍🏫 신분증 좀 볼 수 있을까요? - Can I see your ID? 💡 의미 Meaning: ‣ 신분증 – ID card ‣ ~ 볼 수 있을까요? – Can I see~? ✔️ Grammar rule: ‣ V + (으)ㄹ (보다 → 볼) ‣ V + (으)ㄹ까요 (볼 수 + 있을까요) 💁🏻‍♀‍ 설명 Explanation: ‣ The form “~(으)ㄹ까요" used to request something or ask if something is possible. ‣ It could also be used to suggest an opinion (Shall we/Should we) ‣ Let’s take a look at the sentences below for more context! ✍🏻 문장 Sentence: ‣ 같이 갈까요? Shall we go together? ‣ 같이 갈 수 있을까요? Is it possible for us to go together? [Now let’s learn Korean through video] Download the Korean Tutor App via: - Android  : - IOS  : Visit our YouTube Channel! - Link:

Learn Korean with K-Web Drama - Can I ask you something?

Let's learn Korean with Korean Web Drama [Today's Korean Learning contents] 👩🏻‍🏫 뭐 좀 물어봐도 돼요? - Can I ask you something? 💡 의미 Meaning: ‣ 물어봐도 = base form: 묻다 – to ask ‣ 물어봐도 + 돼요 – Can I ask/May I ask ✔️ Grammar rule: ‣ There’s no problem if: ~아/어도 되다 ‣ V + (아) (물어보다 → 물어보아/물어봐) 💁🏻‍♀‍ 설명 Explanation: ‣ “- 도 + 돼요/되어요?” translates to "can I” or “may I” ‣ This is a way of asking (for a favor) not too directly or straightforwardly ✍🏻 문장 Sentence: ‣ 이거 입어봐도 돼요? Can I try this on? [Now let’s learn Korean through video] Download the Korean Tutor App via: - Android  : - IOS  : Visit our YouTube Channel! - Link:

Learn Korean with K-Web Drama - Can you lend me this?

Let's learn Korean with Korean Web Drama [Today's Korean Learning contents] Learn Korean: How to ask a favor - 빌려줄 수 있어요? 👩🏻‍🏫 혹시 이거 빌려줄 수 있어요? - Can you lend me this? 💡 의미 Meaning: ‣ 빌려줄 = base form: 빌려주다 – to lend ‣ 빌려줄 + 수 – Can you lend me ✔️ Grammar rule: ‣ V + (으)ㄹ (주다 → 줄) 💁🏻‍♀‍ 설명 Explanation: ‣ “- 수 있어요?” translates to "can I” or “may I” ‣ This is a way of asking not too directly or straightforwardly ‣ Pay attention to the difference between “빌리다" and “빌려주다" ‣ 빌리다 = to borrow; 빌려주다 = to lend, but they are used interchangeably most of the time. ✍🏻 문장 Sentence: ‣ 실례지만, 펜 좀 빌릴 수 있어요? Excuse me, may I borrow the pen? [Now let’s learn Korean through video] Download the Korean Tutor App via: - Android  : - IOS  : Visit our YouTube Channel! - Link:

Learn Korean with K-Web Drama - Can I try on the medium size?

Let's learn Korean with Korean Web Drama [Today's Korean Learning contents] Learn Korean for shopping - 입어볼 수 있나요? (Can try on...) 👩🏻‍🏫 이거 M 사이즈 입어볼 수 있나요? - Can I try on the medium size? 💡 의미 Meaning: ‣ 입어볼 = base form: 입어보다 – to try on ‣ 입어볼 + 수 – Can/May I try on ✔️ Grammar rule: ‣ V + (으)ㄹ (보다 → 볼) 💁🏻‍♀‍ 설명 Explanation: ‣ “- 수 있나요?” translates to "can I” or “may I” ‣ This is a way of asking not too directly or straightforwardly ✍🏻 문장 Sentence: ‣ 다른 색깔도 입어볼 수 있나요? Can try on another color? [Now let’s learn Korean through video] Download the Korean Tutor App via: - Android  : - IOS  : Visit our YouTube Channel! - Link:

Learn Korean with K-Web Drama – How have you been these days?

Let's learn Korean with Korean Web Drama [Today's Korean Learning contents] Learn Korean: 요즘 어떻게 지냈어요? – How have you been these days? 💡 의미 Meaning: ‣ 요즘 – these days, nowadays ‣ 어떻게 지냈어요? – how have you been? 💁🏻‍♀‍ 설명 Explanation: ‣ This expression is used to ask someone (in the polite form), what’s up? ‣ You greet an elderly or someone who you speak politely to (존댓말) with this expression. ‣ 요즘~ precedes the sentence/question ‣ Let’s take a look at the sentences below for more context! ✍🏻 문장 Sentence: ‣ 교수님, 요즘 어떻게 지내셨어요? – How have you been doing these days, professor? ‣ 요즘 뭐하고 지내요? / What have you been up to these days? [Now let’s learn Korean through video] Download the Korean Tutor App via: - Android  : - IOS  : Visit our YouTube Channel! - Link: